Tamburro Law Offices

16 West Main Street
Marlton, NJ 08053

Mon - Fri   |   8AM - 5PM
Sat - Sun CLOSED

Worker's Compensation Law

“Turn your setbacks into comebacks.”


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If you have been injured recently while in the course of your employment you should consult with an experienced attorney to review your rights. Not every case warrants the filing of a lawsuit but you should make this decision with the help of a lawyer who is familiar with the claims process. If you decide to retain a lawyer, the staff at TAMBURRO LAW OFFICES will help you and your family with everything from pursuing your claim for workers’ compensation benefits to defending against an insurance company’s attempt to terminate benefits you may be receiving. Our law firm can assist you with the following issues:

  • Denial based on lack of sufficient medical evidence
  • Improper wage rate causing a lowering of your eligible compensation rate
  • Employer suddenly challenging your employment status
  • Employer questioning your eligibility for benefits
  • Difficulty obtaining quality medical care

There are multiple types of workers comp and disability benefits in New Jersey. If you are injured at work, it is critical that you report the incident to your employer immediately. In New Jersey, your employer has the right to select your medical provider. If you seek medical treatment prior to reporting the incident, your rights to workers’ compensation will be compromised. New Jersey law provides for specific benefits to employees injured at work:

Temporary Benefits

Temporary benefits are awarded when employees are not able to earn their pre-injury wages because of their work injury. The amount is based upon the extent of disability and prior wages earned and ranges from $216 to $810 per week.

Total Disability

If the total disability is determined to be permanent, injured employees are eligible for a weekly benefit that is a percentage of their pre-injury wage. Total disability payments range from $216 to $810 per week.

Permanent Partial Disability

Permanent partial disability is awarded to employees permanently unable to perform a part of their previous work duties. Permanent partial disability payments range from $35 to $810 per week depending on the severity of the limitations.

Death Benefits

Death benefits may be awarded to the family or beneficiary of a worker whose death was caused by an injury at work. Beneficiaries may receive up to $810 per week.

Just let us know which office is closest to you and an attorney will meet you there. Find out if you have a workers compensation case now. Call the firm directly at (856) 906-2790. TAMBURRO LAW OFFICES offers free consultations for all personal injury and workers’ compensation claims as well as municipal court and criminal matters. Call us today or contact us online to discuss your specific needs.

“There is a point at which even justice does injury.”



JAMES A. TAMBURRO, ESQ. is an experienced, trustworthy attorney who always puts his clients’ needs first. Whatever your situation may be, you can count on him to be honest and forthcoming with you about your case at all times. He will also do his best to defend your interests both inside and outside of court.